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The Music Box

Preliminary Film

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Third day of filming

Following the typewriter scene, we realised that we had not filmed all the parts we wanted to type on the typewriter. As myself and Billy were unable to attend this filming session, Sophie, Elle and Emma still managed by themselves.

So, today on 08/11/09 they filmed extreme close ups of words coming up from the typewriter that we had not included before. Sophie typed this as Billy was unable to attend. However, it dod not matter who was typing it because the camera was just focusing on the paper. They realised that everything had to be typed on the same piece of paper to show the continuity.This was quite a challenge especially for Sophie who was typing it as she could not really see what she was typing as it was in the dark it all became a bit frustrating.

This days filming was rather short and they only managed to film a short amount.